Debut Novel

Kane’s debut novel, Perils of the Past, is almost complete. If you’d like to keep updated, please sign up to his newsletter.

Perils of the Past

Antarna at the mountain temples, drawing her sword

Illustrated by the talented Candelaria Carballo.

Coming soon

Memories of past lives swirl within her soul.

High in a mountain temple, Antarna leaps for these memories. Maybe they’ll help explain the scars upon her heart.

When a mysterious supernatural force devastates the temple and puts those dearest to her on death’s door, Antarna must return to the scene of her personal tragedy to locate a cure. There, the city teeters on the brink of civil war.

Unbeknownst to her, rulers, traitors and mages have also set their eyes on the cure. While it’s rarer than magical gems and more valuable than the lost secret to forging steel, darker reasons pique their interest.

In a desperate race against time, Antarna’s past may hold vital clues. Or be nothing but an invitation for deeper peril.

What to expect

Action packed, rife with adventure, and mystery crawling around you like a thick shrouding fog (but not a detective novel).




Magic integral (though it’s not all about magic), 3 point of view (POV) characters and a sprinkling of romance.




And there are forests, skies and lakes teeming with creatures you’ve never before encountered.